Super PI - How to Install the Free Software
If you're looking for a program that calculates pi to a specified number of digits after the decimal point, Super PI is an excellent choice. The program can calculate pi up to 32 million digits and is based on the Gauss-Legendre algorithm. This Windows version of Kanada's 1995 program is compatible with Windows operating systems. It uses the same algorithm as its predecessor. Although Super PI is far more powerful, it's not as simple to use as its predecessor.
To install Super PI, follow these steps. First, install the app on your PC. This can be done by double-clicking the App's icon in the Bluestacks application menu. After the app has been installed, find it in the list of apps installed on your PC. Double-click on the icon to open the App and start using it. You can do this just as you would on your smartphone. Once the App has been installed, you can double-click it to begin using it.
Next, run the program. The higher the number of digits, the more CPU and memory resources your computer needs. Higher numbers will make the program unresponsive, so keep in mind the amount of RAM you have available on your computer. A good superpi time is under 30 seconds. If you can't find the right one for your system, try downloading another version of Super PI. While it's not as popular as the original, it's still worth the download.